Indoor Curtains Powerwashed

The curtains surrounding our indoor courts can get a little messy after so much play. They have just been recently powerwashed and are fresh and ready for more play!

Our New Membership Director!

Jennifer is a native Midlothian Gal! Born and raised locally, she purposely seeks out to support the best gems our Community offers. She excitedly joins MTC as she shares the passion for tennis. Jennifer has been playing tennis for fun and competitively for over 20 years. She looks forward to building and strengthening the member experience […]

Homeschool Tennis!

Our new homeschool program is off to a great start! If you’re interested in being a part of our inaugural program, give us a call today! With two days to choose from, what are you waiting for? #homeschooltennis #rvatennis #tennis

Lynn has a teaching video!

Check out this video Lynn produced for other tennis pros to use.